Como dizer "Teste do pezinho" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 12 283
(Newborn) heel prick test/ Heel-prick test/ Newborn screening/ Guthrie test

Harrington and colleagues compared dried blood samples taken during the newborn heel prick test from 655 healthy babies, 26 babies who died from Sids and 41 babies who died in infancy from other causes. The Guardian

Although newborn babies are currently offered a heel-prick test to screen their blood for signs of nine rare but serious conditions, such as sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis, whole genome sequencing could enable hundreds more such conditions to be diagnosed at birth. The Guardian

Scientists have raised concerns about a proposed overhaul of newborn screening that could lead to the UK becoming the first country to offer whole-genome sequencing for every baby. The Guardian

The newborn heel prick test (Guthrie test) is a term used to describe the newborn blood spot screening test that is offered to all newborns at the age of 5-40 days. Ref. news-medical

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