Como dizer "Vem cá meu bem" em inglês

Gente, como eu digo "Vem cá meu bem" em inglês?

Procurei na internet e não encontrei nada confiável.
Não sei se o inglês americano ou britânico tem alguma expressão similar para essa expressão.

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23 127 1.7k
Outra opção:

Come here, honey.

"Are you crazy? Why can't you sleep?" "You know..." "Because of them?" "Yeah." "Come here, honey." []
The next morning Billy let me sleep until he called to me, “Come here, honey, I need you.'' [Google Books]

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6 49 1.3k
Come here babe. (to a loved one, to a significant other, a kid, etc) But it´s not advised to address a girl in the workplace, for example. Unless it´s a friend, in a colloquial, informal enviroment, even in such case be careful, someone can think you are too forward or harassing her. Just like in Portuguese, a principal don´t get to a class and say to a female teacher "venha cá meu bem", say in front of her pupils, or even with nobody else nearby.
So, "babe" is double-edged sword, one has to know how and where to use it. I know you didn´t asked so much things, but I thought a bit of knowledge of their culture would come in handy.
1 6 92
Come closer, Dear

7 62 297
Come to Daddy.