Play: Como utilizar
Play==>Como utilizar
1.He usually plays soccer with his friends.(Ele costuma jogar futebol com os amigos.)
2.I like to play sports in my free time.(Eu gosto de praticar esportes nas horas vagas.)
3.Brazil will play (against) Korea tomorrow.(O Brasil vai jogar contra a Coréia amanhã.)
4.The team was playing for a draw.(O time estava jogando pelo empate.)
5.He's good at playing the guitar.(Ele é bom para tocar violão.)
6.That beautiful song played on the radio.(Aquela música bonita passou no rádio.)
7.What is playing at the movies?(O que está passando no cinema?)
8.He played the doctor in the movie.(Ele fez o papel do médico no filme.)
9.Don´t play the innocent!(Não se faça de inocente!)
10.The kids were playing pirates.(As crianças estavam brincando de pirata.)
Bons estudos!
Play==>Como utilizar
1.He usually plays soccer with his friends.(Ele costuma jogar futebol com os amigos.)
2.I like to play sports in my free time.(Eu gosto de praticar esportes nas horas vagas.)
3.Brazil will play (against) Korea tomorrow.(O Brasil vai jogar contra a Coréia amanhã.)
4.The team was playing for a draw.(O time estava jogando pelo empate.)
5.He's good at playing the guitar.(Ele é bom para tocar violão.)
6.That beautiful song played on the radio.(Aquela música bonita passou no rádio.)
7.What is playing at the movies?(O que está passando no cinema?)
8.He played the doctor in the movie.(Ele fez o papel do médico no filme.)
9.Don´t play the innocent!(Não se faça de inocente!)
10.The kids were playing pirates.(As crianças estavam brincando de pirata.)
Bons estudos!
2 respostas
Very nice article Donay !
PLAY is one of those word that can confused our mind easily.
I think you could do a post about all the words which has the same meaning but many ways to use it, what you think ?
Thank`s Donay !
PLAY is one of those word that can confused our mind easily.
I think you could do a post about all the words which has the same meaning but many ways to use it, what you think ?
Thank`s Donay !
It really is a great idea and I´ve been trying to make time to do that.I'll try to make a list of the most useful verbs and post them here.
It really is a great idea and I´ve been trying to make time to do that.I'll try to make a list of the most useful verbs and post them here.