Problem with my listening skills/Problema com meu listening

Estou com um problema com o listening. Já vi alguns tópicos aqui sobre listening, mas nenhum que me ajudasse com esse problema em particular.

O problema é que às vezes mesmo conhecendo as palavras sendo ditas eu não consigo entender. Digamos se eu assito algo como Revenge com legendas em inglês eu entendo tudo perfeitamente, normalmente só não entendo umas duas ou três palavras, mas se eu assisto sem aí a minha compreensão cai para em torno de 30% - 40%. Com sitcoms como Two and a Half Men consigo entender em torno de 85% - 90% mesmo sem legendas. Isso eu não acho que seja por ter que ouvir mais audios em inglês, isso me ajuda, mas não resolve tudo, pois há palavras que eu já escutei várias vezes e ainda parece diferente para mim. Advertising, por exemplo, eu sempre ouço um "p"no lugar de "dv". Não importando quem fale.

Poderiam ouvir o seguinte áudio por favor:
Tenho esse audio no Anki e já ouvi várias vezes, mas eu sempre ouço "assists" ao invés de "consists". Eu sei que é "consists" mas eu sempre ouço "assists". Alguém ouviu também? Nesse caso eu não sei se é por causa do sotaque, mas normalmente não tenho problemas para entender sotaque britânico.
Tenho problema com ingles falado por poloneses e irlandeses. Mas acredito que prática resolverá isso.

Ouvir nunca ajuda com o vocabulário, já tinha ouvido várias vezes a palavra "brag" mas tive que ver escrito para saber a forma correta de pronunciar e escrever. Antes de ter lido, eu ouvia "grab" ou "brab" ou algo assim. O mesmo com outras palavras.

Com relação à música eu vi um post de um nativo que me ajudou, dizendo que até mesmo eles tem dificuldade para entender as letras, mas eu tenho a sensação de que deveria entender pelo menos um pouco melhor.

Como posso resolver isso? Ficaria muito grato se alguém pudesse me ajudar. :)
I have a problem with listening. I've seen some topics about listening here, but none that addressed this particular problem.

The problem is that sometimes even knowing the words being said I can't understand.Let's say if I watch something like Revenge with subtitles I understand perfectly, usually I only don't understand two or three words, but if I watch without subtitles then my comprehension decreases about 30% - 40%. Some sitcom like Two and a Half Men is far easier. When it comes to sitcoms I understand about 85% - 90% even without subtitles. I don't think I just need to listen more audios in English, it helps, but it doesn't solve everything, 'cause there are words that I have heard several times and still sounds different to me."Advertising" for instance, I always hear a "p" instead of "dv". Regardless of who says it.

Could you listen to the following audio please:
I have this audio on Anki along with the phrase written on the answer and I've listened to it several times, but I always hear "assists" instead of "consists". I know it's "consists", but I always hear "assists". Did somebody hear it too? On this case I don't if it's because of the accent, but I usually don't have problems comprehending the British accent.
I have problem with English spoken by Polish and Irish people. But I believe that practice will solve this.

Listening never helps me with vocabulary. I had already heard the word "brag" but I had to see it written to know the correct form to pronounce and write. Before reading it I always heard "grab" or "brab" or something like that. The same with other words.

Regarding songs I saw a post by a native speaker that helped me, saying that even they have trouble undestanding lyrics, but I have the vibe that I should understand at least a little more.

How can I solve this? I will be very grateful if anyone could help me. :)

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
6 respostas
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
I agreed with you, the guy doesn´t has the best of the dictions I have ever listened to. Although, the "consists" part I understood. But then, I was previously warned by you, even so I replayed it and sometimes it sounds like "persists" as well.
Now in a more general way. Sometimes there some drawbacks that hampers the listening a bit; diction, the recording device, the recording quality, background noises, accents, etc. I am not good at listening, but I can get the gist of the subjcet when listening certain American radios online, other times it is harder, and then sometimes I get puzzled.
There are times in wich I can listen the interviewer and don´t know what the other people is saying in response, that happens.
With the British English it´s still more challenging to me, and with Hugh Grant, it´s get almost impossible! it´s Greek to me, ha ha. Other day I heard a guy from NY voicing some kind of "iméel" sound to ''e-mail", but then my ear now recognizes the word from a New Yorker.
Anyway, practice makes perfect, and certainly the ear gets used to the sounds. By your account, you can understand some already, that might seem as "a small step to you, but a great leap to the humankind", so keep up the good work. You will get there, eventually.

Now let´s wait for more suggestions and comments.
It's true, but native speakers probably understand despite of drawbacks like these.
Could you give me the link to some of these radios?
I have that problem too, sometimes I understand well one person, but not the person she is talking to. But if the person she is talking to understands her then we should as well.
Thank you PPaul. o/
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
Thanks. ;)
Ancrispa 9 55
Thank you very much for the links.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
You´re welcome guys, it´s my pleasure to help out a fellow learner.
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA