Drawn-out sequences - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Ahead of the arrival of the first trailer for part two, which has just hit the web, it's worth remembering that part one proved to be something of a slow-paced, existential treat. The action segues are thrillingly depicted, but it's the long, drawn-out sequences in which the teenage wizards mull over where to begin their quest to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes that stick in the mind. Released from the straitjacket of the series' usual format, the book always seemed to be a rather unwieldy, distinctly downbeat affair, and yet the same set of circumstances contrived to set the film version free.

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1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Ahead of the arrival of the first trailer for part two, which has just hit the web, it's worth remembering that part one proved to be something of a slow-paced, existential treat. The action segues are thrillingly depicted, but it's the long, sequências extendidas in which the teenage wizards mull over where to begin their quest to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes that stick in the mind. Released from the straitjacket of the series' usual format, the book always seemed to be a rather unwieldy, distinctly downbeat affair, and yet the same set of circumstances contrived to set the film version free.