Random Wednesday - Tradução em português

Hello, guys!

Well, I'm going nuts, because I've been seeing a lot of this "Random Wednesday" lately, but I still don't know if I got the idea of it.

As far as I could understand, it seems it is a term used to express that Wednesday is the specific day for random silly/goofy/weird/awkward/misfortuned (whatever) things to happen, but I'm not 100% sure yet. (Gosh, it seems so stupidly clear&obvious now! lol) #insecuregirl

I googled the expression and yes, I found many - many many and a little more of many - "random Wednesday facts", but no detailed explanation (I really want to be certified by a description! haha).

Sooooo, does anyone know what it actually means? And, please, can anyone tell me the story of this "random Wednesday"? Why Wednesday? Oo

haha :D

Thank you! :)

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
8 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Não me recordo de nada específico. Para mim, pode haver também "random Thursdays", "random Sundays", etc. "Random" é um adjetivo usado para dizer entre outras coisas " por acaso", "sem planejamento", "desconhecido", "qualquer", "estranho e curioso".

O contexto(trecho onde você encontrou "random Wednesday") seria importante.
Dourado 2 25
Oi Dani!

Não sei se é isso (confesso que nunca vi essa expressão), mas conhecendo a internet acho que deve ser algo como Fatos aleatórios de quarta-feira. Provavelmente são fatos sobre nada em particular postados nas quartas-feiras.

Sei do site Overheard in New York (com ótimas frases soltas que as pessoas ouvem por lá), que tem o Wednesday One-Liners, onde nas quartas apenas frases de uma linha são postadas. Esses facts devem seguir a mesma linha.
sandrom 3 11
Donay está certo Dani,

Da mesma forma que aparece "random Wednesday facts", também aparece "random Thursday facts" and so on.

Sem o contexto fica dificil, mas tente utilizar: "uma quarta-feira qualquer" ou "uma quarta-feira aleatória" e veja se encaixa.
Hello, guys!
Thank you so much for answering. :)

I'm familiar with the meaning of "random", but I'm not talking about randomly choosing an Wednesday (or any other day of the week) to do casual things. I'm almost sure that "Random Wednesday" has a particular significance.

It seems like silly/funny/crazy/goofy/weird/awkward/misfortuned/blablabla things unavoidably happen on all the Wednesdays of the year - just because it's Wednesday.

And I'm sorry, but maybe I made you get the wrong idea: the expression I googled was "Random Wednesday", and, of course, I found many facts involving 'Random Wednesday' - but no definition.

About the context:

Eg 1: Yes, I did ask the congregation at Willow Creek tonite "does anyone have a Bible? Mine isn't working"..#BibleApp #RandomWednesday

Eg 2: Is this the right lyric for this song? "I am a friend of God, I am a friend of God, I am a friend of God, He calls me Fred" #RandomWednesday

Hope I'm clearer now.
Thanks again!
try googling "Random X" where X = Another day in the week, and you'll get as many results.
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
Dourado 2 25
I don't think those things happened on a Wednesday (at least, not necessarily). It's just the day they picked to talk about it, I guess.
Dourado, take a look:

- "Our electricity just went out! Too bad its not dark outside so we could do everything by candlelight. #pioneerwoman #randomwednesday";
- "I just discovered that a CD is as clear as a mirror. #RandomWednesday";
- "And I'm pretty sure that I don't match. Oh well. It's perfect for #RandomWednesday";
- "Did #randomwednesday come a day early?";
- "#randomwednesday Dude, its not even wednesday...."

Now I'm quite sure there's something special related to Wednesdays! In fact, they chose this to be their 'tricky, weird, but mostly funny' day... Or something like that! haha ;)

* For more info, search for 'random wednesday' on Twitter. :)
Oh, and thanks again for all your care and attention! :)