Como dizer "Ameaçado de rebaixamento" em inglês

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Donay Mendonça 24 131 1.7k
Português: ameaçado de rebaixamento
Inglês: relegation-threatened, threatened with relegation

"Ameaçado de rebaixamento, Figueirense demite Renê Weber." - Terra

  1. The average Goal Difference of relegation-threatened clubs decreases as the number of clubs "in trouble" increases.
  2. The team had been threatened with relegation after poor performances in the 2009 Nations Cup.
  3. An 18-month-old kicking balls into his toy chest caught the attention of one relegation-threatened club.
  4. Headers from Walter Samuel and Thiago Motta gave Inter victory and though their side is still threatened with relegation, the Lazio fans were pleased the results dented the title hopes of local rivals Roma, who had gone top of the table with a 2-1 win at Parma on Saturday.

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