Como dizer "bordão, bordões" em inglês
Ex.: O Bordão de falar 'are baba', acabou quando terminou a novela Caminho nas Índias...
Thank you
Thank you
9 respostas
Olá Carol
Barack Obama's most famous sound bite is "Yes, we can"
Bugs Bunny's most well-known catchphrase is "What's up, Doc?"
The catchphrase "are baba" went away when the soap-opera "Caminho das Índias" finished.
Hope it helps.
Barack Obama's most famous sound bite is "Yes, we can"
Bugs Bunny's most well-known catchphrase is "What's up, Doc?"
The catchphrase "are baba" went away when the soap-opera "Caminho das Índias" finished.
Hope it helps.
como esse "what's up, doc?" é entendido lá, flavia ?
Oi Davi...
"What's up" significa "o que que foi?" "o que está acontecendo?", "qual o problema?", "o que que há?"
qto ao "doc", hum... tenho que confessar que não tenho certeza...
mas "doc" é abreviação de doctor = doutor
muito provavelmente, ele quer dizer algo como "o que que há, doutor/senhor/quem quer que seja?"
"What's up" significa "o que que foi?" "o que está acontecendo?", "qual o problema?", "o que que há?"
qto ao "doc", hum... tenho que confessar que não tenho certeza...
mas "doc" é abreviação de doctor = doutor
muito provavelmente, ele quer dizer algo como "o que que há, doutor/senhor/quem quer que seja?"
e qual a diferença entre ''sound bite'' e ''catchphrase''?
Olá Aline
Me parecem sinônimos. Tenho anotações de que "sound bite" está relacionado com vocabulário usado por políticos, por isso usei o exemplo com o Barack Obama; mas te garanto que encontrei referências no Google de usos gerais, com o mesmo sentido de catchphrase.
Me parecem sinônimos. Tenho anotações de que "sound bite" está relacionado com vocabulário usado por políticos, por isso usei o exemplo com o Barack Obama; mas te garanto que encontrei referências no Google de usos gerais, com o mesmo sentido de catchphrase.
Good =)
Thank You! xDD
Thank You! xDD
not sure about the spelling
maybe catch phrase
Take care
maybe catch phrase
Take care
Hook phrase
Gaudio and Crewe became regular writing partners, the latter contributing a gift for editing a song, the shrewd recognition of a hook phrase, and lyrics that commanded attention. The Guardian
Gaudio and Crewe became regular writing partners, the latter contributing a gift for editing a song, the shrewd recognition of a hook phrase, and lyrics that commanded attention. The Guardian
I like "tagline" and "catchprhases" words better.
A know Twin Peeks tagline was "A town where everyone knows everyone and nothing is what it seems." ("...and nothing is what it seems" sounds ubiquitous these days with AI, fake news, huh?)
A catchprase from the Simpsons: D'oh!
"You're fired" - The Apprentice TV show.
Yabba-Dabba-Do - The Flinstones.
The truth is out there - X-files.
Fue sin querier, queriendo!
It was by accident (sort of), that is "i meant it without meaning it.) I didn't do it on purpose.
I didn't do it or purpose or did I (do it on purpose)? (child-like confusion).
¡Todo yo! ¡Todo yo! ¡Todo yo!
Tudo eu, tudo eu! (it's all my fault/ it's all me! It's all me!
A know Twin Peeks tagline was "A town where everyone knows everyone and nothing is what it seems." ("...and nothing is what it seems" sounds ubiquitous these days with AI, fake news, huh?)
A catchprase from the Simpsons: D'oh!
"You're fired" - The Apprentice TV show.
Yabba-Dabba-Do - The Flinstones.
The truth is out there - X-files.
Fue sin querier, queriendo!
It was by accident (sort of), that is "i meant it without meaning it.) I didn't do it on purpose.
I didn't do it or purpose or did I (do it on purpose)? (child-like confusion).
¡Todo yo! ¡Todo yo! ¡Todo yo!
Tudo eu, tudo eu! (it's all my fault/ it's all me! It's all me!