Como dizer "Esquelético" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 12 290
Rawboned, scrawny, gaunt, skeletal, skeleton-like

(...) a rawboned, sympathetic Cambridge scholar named Mallinson, whose wife, a tall, witty, Virginia Woolf sort of character (...) Ref. time

Speechless dad James Patterson managed to snap a photo of the figure running through the streets while out trick or treating with his son. He described the 'gimp' as "scrawny and menacing". Ref.

The Vikings: Valhalla star revealed his gaunt frame and his radical transformation in before and after photos. Ref.

The skeletal human remains of what police believe to be an adult male have been found in Rugby. Ref. bbc

The 38-year-old's legs are scrawny and her head looks too big for her skeleton-like body. Ref.

OBS.: Para se referir a um corpo esquelético, além de usar o substantivo "body" depois desses adjetivos, podemos optar também por "frame".

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