Como dizer "Eu e minha esposa beijando" em inglês

Gente, tenho uma dúvida: Quando o verbo com ING não tiver o TO BE antes, o pronome que vai vir antes dele é o pronome reto ou o pronome objeto? Exemplo para a legenda de uma foto: (Eu e minha namorada se beijando... Não somos fofos?) seria, em inglês, "Me and my wife kissing... Aren't we cute?" ou seria "I and my wife kissing... Aren't we cute?" ? Porque, se tivesse o verbo to be com o ing, eu sei que seria o pronome reto, porque forma o tempo continuous, mas nesta frase que eu postei eu realmente estou com muita dúvida mesmo, gostaria muito que vocês me ajudassem, obrigado.

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3 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k

Grammarly speaking, it would be "my wife and I", altough in real world I have found thousands of "...and me" (ie, in lyrics - just google "you and me" and use the term "lyrics"...
In a text don´t use, or if you are talking in a formal enviroment and you are the new kid on the block.

By the way, while still on the topic, it´s "my wife and I kissing EACH OTHER." (in English they understand that you both do the action, not just one.)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

My wife and I kissing each other. [opção mais adequada e polida]

"Me and my wife" pode até ser usado, porém, é informal e tido como incorreto.

"I and my wife" seria outra opção, mas menos comum do que "my wife and I''.

Leitura Complementar:
You should always put the other person first. You go last. It has to do with being polite, I think.
''My co-workers and I go out to eat every Wednesday.'' ''My brother and I work hard all day.''
''Give that sack of cookies to my friend and me.''

It's one of those times where politeness influences grammar. If you have more than one person, and you are included, you put yourself last. Even Queen Elizabeth II does this.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
By the way, there is a problem with the title as well, to my thinking it would be "eu e minha esposa SE beijando."
Not that I wouldn´t understand, I can understand Portuguese very well, or so I think.