Como dizer "Os cães ladram e a caravana passa" em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
The dogs bark but the caravan goes on.

- Life goes on even if people try to stop progress.

Significa que se devem ignorar as provocações que possam impedir o progresso e esquecer críticas que não sejam construtivas. (

Só porque o treinador Mourinho usou o ditado e deu um bafafá danado.


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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
In fact, it means in general terms: "life goes on even if some will try to stop progress." and "people may make a fuss, but it won't change the situation." ... ns_move_on.
The problem is, when people get the perception that they are the subject of the remark, that is, that they are the ones that makes a fuss, tries to hinder the progress, criticize, etc. So they don´t get much happy about it, mainly people of Portuguese-speaking countries!