Como dizer "Suas palavras não condizem com suas atitudes" em inglês
Gostaria de saber como dizer a frase "Suas palavras não condizem com suas atitudes" em inglês, seria "Your word dont match your actions"?
2 respostas
Apenas coloque a palavra WORD no plural, e use o apóstrofo em DON'T.
Apenas coloque a palavra WORD no plural, e use o apóstrofo em DON'T.
"Your words don't match your actions".
Congrats on your reasoning, Yan. You guessed it right, just the minor correction that was pointed out.
Other way express it: your actions don't back up your words (or - your words aren't backed up with actions). Your philosophy is "do as I say but not as I do."
Ah! There's something you might like to know as well. There's another interpretation to "your words don't match your actions". That of, you being a leader (for illustration's sake here) and you ask to do something but "you don't mean it", you don't reinforce it.
For example, you set a deadline but then you slide your deadline. The message is "he can't be serious about anything he says!"
Congrats on your reasoning, Yan. You guessed it right, just the minor correction that was pointed out.
Other way express it: your actions don't back up your words (or - your words aren't backed up with actions). Your philosophy is "do as I say but not as I do."
Ah! There's something you might like to know as well. There's another interpretation to "your words don't match your actions". That of, you being a leader (for illustration's sake here) and you ask to do something but "you don't mean it", you don't reinforce it.
For example, you set a deadline but then you slide your deadline. The message is "he can't be serious about anything he says!"