Thanks in advance: É uma expressão rude?
Hey guys, hope you are fine.
Is it incorrect or even impolite to use "thanks in advance" in the end of e-mails? I google it and some people say that this could be understood as rude.
What do you think?
It's pretty common to see this expression here in English Experts.
Thank you
Is it incorrect or even impolite to use "thanks in advance" in the end of e-mails? I google it and some people say that this could be understood as rude.
What do you think?
It's pretty common to see this expression here in English Experts.
Thank you
2 respostas
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Isto nunca foi tido como rude no mundo dos negócios, sempre foi apropriado e amplamente usado. Na verdade, o tal do AGRADEÇO ANTECIPADAMENTE, tanto na língua Inglesa como na portuguesa, de tão usado que foi, se tornou meio "cliché", eu evitaria!
Ex.: Thanks in advance OU Thanking you in advance for your cooperation = Eu mandaria logo um THANK YOU ou apenas THANKS.
Ex.: Thanks in advance OU Thanking you in advance for your cooperation = Eu mandaria logo um THANK YOU ou apenas THANKS.
Realmente, para cada Thank you in advance deveria existir um Welcome in advance. Concordando, um simples Thank you por si só basta.