Pilot lights - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 224
"The best approach to sleep problems is good sleep hygiene," says Hall, "which means how you organise your sleep: no over-stimulating activities too late at night, no computers or television, exercising earlier in the day, a little alcohol sometimes but not too much, and nothing with pilot lights, or bleeping, or things telling you that you have new messages in the bedroom."

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3 respostas
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Telma Regina 9 65 608
"pilot lights" - luz noturna (nesse contexto, luz usada para não deixar o quarto totalmente escuro)
Carls 2 78
pilot lights = luzes-piloto
pilot light = indicator consisting of a light to indicate whether power is on or a motor is in operation

Thomas 7 62 297
A "pilot light" is also a tiny flame used on gas heaters in homes and on gas kitchen stoves.