Move forward with - Tradução em português

Flavia.lm 1 10 102
Help, please:

"Has the operation xyz been approved? If not, could you move forward with it?"

( ) "dar andamento à"
( ) "levar isso adiante"
( ) ______________________________

tks in advance

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6 respostas
a operação xyz foi aprovada? se nao, voce poderia ir em frente com isso? ( no sentido de dar um jeito para q cja aprovada
Henry Cunha 3 18 191
It's a strange one, Flávia. It appears this person is asking for the approval process to be expedited. One would think that "operation xyz" itself could not be put into action without approval...
Flavia.lm 1 10 102
Henry Cunha escreveu:It appears this person is asking for the approval process to be expedited.
It makes sense, Henry. Thank u.

But you said "it's a strange one". Would you mind to give another example using "move forward with"? (and translation, please) ;)
Henry Cunha 3 18 191
By strange I meant the person's wording, because it seemed to leave this doubt whether he's talking about "moving forwrd" the approval process or operation xyz. I don't think you misunderstand the meaning of "to move forward" (levar adiante, agilizar, etc.). I would have tried for something like:

"Has Operation XYZ been approved? If not, could you move forward with its approval?"

This way we eliminate the uncertainty concerning the antecedent for "it".

Flavia.lm 1 10 102
now I got it. Tks.
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Daniel.S 1 2 11
Hi there!

"Has the operation xyz been approved? If not, could you move forward with it?"

A operação xyz já foi aprovada? Se não, poderia adiantar o processo para tal?

Take care

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