Como dizer "Obrigado(a) pela compreensão" em inglês
Ex.: "Desculpe não entregar o pedido a tempo; infelizmente tivemos alguns imprevistos. Agradeço a compreensão."
'comprehension' não cabe aqui, né?
Thank you for your concern/understanding/sympathy/other option(?)
Which one fits better?
tks in advance
Ex.: "Desculpe não entregar o pedido a tempo; infelizmente tivemos alguns imprevistos. Agradeço a compreensão."
'comprehension' não cabe aqui, né?
Thank you for your concern/understanding/sympathy/other option(?)
Which one fits better?
tks in advance
11 respostas
Thank you for your concern is said when someone has indicated an interest in a personal problem you are having.
Thank you for your sympathy is said among friends when one has been consoled by a friend who has heard about bad news concerning his friend, e.g. a breakup, job loss, demotion, unfair treatment.
Thank you for understanding is said when one is expressing appreciation that his explanation of a problem or plight was accepted and excused (understood by the person who was affected,injured, or offended).
Thank you for your sympathy is said among friends when one has been consoled by a friend who has heard about bad news concerning his friend, e.g. a breakup, job loss, demotion, unfair treatment.
Thank you for understanding is said when one is expressing appreciation that his explanation of a problem or plight was accepted and excused (understood by the person who was affected,injured, or offended).
So... I think I can't use any of them...
in my example, I am sending a message to a customer, apologizing for not meeting a deadline. I explained the reason for my being late and then ended the message with "Thanks for your (compreensão)"
It is very used in Portuguese, even tough we don't know whether the person is going to accept our apologies or not!
Compreensão, in this context: espírito de complacência, indulgência ou simpatia para com as dificuldades de uma pessoa, os óbices que venham a suceder numa ocorrência qualquer etc., resultante do conhecimento prévio deles por parte daquele que reage (Houaiss)
in my example, I am sending a message to a customer, apologizing for not meeting a deadline. I explained the reason for my being late and then ended the message with "Thanks for your (compreensão)"
It is very used in Portuguese, even tough we don't know whether the person is going to accept our apologies or not!
Compreensão, in this context: espírito de complacência, indulgência ou simpatia para com as dificuldades de uma pessoa, os óbices que venham a suceder numa ocorrência qualquer etc., resultante do conhecimento prévio deles por parte daquele que reage (Houaiss)
Reading again what Mary said about "thanks for your understanding"... I think it can be a good option here.
Maybe I should say "Thank you in advance for your understanding", once I'm just supposing he/she is going to understand!
Maybe I should say "Thank you in advance for your understanding", once I'm just supposing he/she is going to understand!
A forma "Thank you in advance for understanding" encontra 30.000 ocorrências no Google. Nunca vi, mas me parece ser usada por nativos.
Bons estudos!
A forma "Thank you in advance for understanding" encontra 30.000 ocorrências no Google. Nunca vi, mas me parece ser usada por nativos.
Bons estudos!
"Thank you in advance for your understanding." This works just fine for your purposes. Regards
Na opinião de vcs, há alguma diferença de sentido entre as duas frases, ou podem ser usadas intercambiavelmente?
Thank you for your understanding
Thank you for your consideration
Na opinião de vcs, há alguma diferença de sentido entre as duas frases, ou podem ser usadas intercambiavelmente?
Thank you for your understanding
Thank you for your consideration
No, they don't feel particularly interchangeable, especially here. When you use 'understanding,' it's an appeal to your interlocutor's everyday ability to see things from your perspective, his sensibility.
'Consideration' in this context would mean primarily your gratitude that the matter was carefully thought over. But you're not looking to take your correspondent over into some rational, logical exercise, where you've explained in great detail the reasons for the delay.
So I would stick to understanding, that kindred feeling...
'Consideration' in this context would mean primarily your gratitude that the matter was carefully thought over. But you're not looking to take your correspondent over into some rational, logical exercise, where you've explained in great detail the reasons for the delay.
So I would stick to understanding, that kindred feeling...
thank you for your patience
thank you for your patience
Lembrando de uma diferença entre a frase com e sem o "in advance" no meio:Henry Cunha escreveu:"Thank you in advance for your understanding." This works just fine for your purposes. Regards
"Thank you in advance for your understanding" = estou avisando de algo que vai acontecer ou estou fazendo um anúncio durante o acontecimento
Ex.: "Estaremos em manutenção na próxima segunda-feira, durante a qual a loja estará fechada, obrigado pela compreensão"
"We'll be under maintenance this monday, during which our store will be closed, thank you in advance for your undersanting"
"Thank you for your undersanting" = algo ocorreu e estou colocando o público a par do que houve, pedindo desculpas ou avisando que tudo foi consertado
Ex.: "Fomos invadidos por hackers ontem, deixando o site offline, mas a situação está sob controle, obrigado pela compreensão"
"We have been invaded by hackers yesterday, leaving our website offline, but everything is now under control, thank you for your understanding"
Espero ter ajudado.
Olá, nesse caso, então, eu sempre pensei q "comprehension" fosse a palavra correta. Qdo dizemos "Obrigado pela compreensão', em português (seja num aviso formal, ou em uma msg, diretamente, a uma pessoa), estamos agradecendo o fato de alguém ter compreendido a nossa situação, no sentido de estar tendo empatia e generosidade conosco; compreendendo as nossas razões e/ou dificuldades e relevando algo. Tem, até, uma música do Simply Red, chamada "Stars", q diz "I hope you comprehend"...
Enfim, "understanding", pra mim, soava mais como entender algo congnitivamente, e não no sentido de compreensão como empatia. Até hj, pensei q fosse assim, mas fui usar o tradutor do celular, pra escrever uma frase e, tinha o termo "compreensão", junto e traduziu como "understanding", então, fui pesquisar e achei esse post aki. Estive equivocada esse tempo td?...
Enfim, "understanding", pra mim, soava mais como entender algo congnitivamente, e não no sentido de compreensão como empatia. Até hj, pensei q fosse assim, mas fui usar o tradutor do celular, pra escrever uma frase e, tinha o termo "compreensão", junto e traduziu como "understanding", então, fui pesquisar e achei esse post aki. Estive equivocada esse tempo td?...
I think those expressions would do:
Thank you for your time.
I wanted to thank you for your help.
I am grateful for your support.
Less colloquial, mildly formal:
Appreciate you taking the time to help with this issue. Thank you so much.
Even less colloquial:
“I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me this afternoon/to help me with this issue.”
Thank you for sharing this information.
Thank you for providing these details.
Your information is much appreciated.
Our Brazilian "“thank you for your understanding”...kind of, doesn't translates well into English some equivalents.
Thank you for your time.
I wanted to thank you for your help.
I am grateful for your support.
Less colloquial, mildly formal:
Appreciate you taking the time to help with this issue. Thank you so much.
Even less colloquial:
“I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me this afternoon/to help me with this issue.”
Thank you for sharing this information.
Thank you for providing these details.
Your information is much appreciated.
Our Brazilian "“thank you for your understanding”...kind of, doesn't translates well into English some equivalents.