Sobre o lugar do homem na criação - Tradução em inglês
Ele foi o cientista que, mais do que qualquer outro em tempos mais modernos, questionou e colocou em duvida a visão biblíca sobre o lugar do homem na criação.
Ficaria correto traduzir dessa forma?
He was the cientist, more than any other in more modern ages/times, that called into question and doubted the biblic view about the man's space in the creation
Ficaria correto traduzir dessa forma?
He was the cientist, more than any other in more modern ages/times, that called into question and doubted the biblic view about the man's space in the creation
2 respostas
He was the scientist that, more than any other in modern times, questioned and doubted the biblical view about Man's place in creation.
Estaria certo assim ?
He was the scientist that, more than any other in modern times, questioned and put the biblical view in doubt about human's place in creation.
Ou assim ?
He was the scientist that, more than any other in modern times, questioned and cast doubt on biblical view about human's place in creation.
He was the scientist that, more than any other in modern times, questioned and put the biblical view in doubt about human's place in creation.
Ou assim ?
He was the scientist that, more than any other in modern times, questioned and cast doubt on biblical view about human's place in creation.